Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1964), “Providing
for the
Settlement of Claims of Certain Residents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific

Islands:" Accompanies H.R. 1988, S. Rept. 1257, 6 pp., ¥12616-3, (Rongelap).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1974), Authorizing the
Appropriations of Sums Necessary to Rehabilitate Enewetak Atoll, Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands, S. Report 93-1167, 4 pp., Y13057-8, ‘CIS/MF/3,
Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Senate) (1975), Providing

an Authorization

for an Ex Gratia Payment to the People of Bikini Atoll, in the Marshall Islands ot
the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands, S. Report 94-165, 3 pp., ¥13096-3,
(CIS /MEF/3, S443-20).

Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) (1978), (Announced United

States nuclear detonations; exposure criteria (R/hr); compensation; Rongelap
medical health; Enewetak rehabilitation), pp. 341-367, 44
1, 452-460, In: Effect

of Radiation on Human Health, Vol. 1: Frealth Effects of Ionizing Radiation,
Y¥4.1n8/4:95-179, (CIS/MF/17, H501-64.6).

Monroe, R.R. (1980), "Radiological cleanup

of Enewetak Atoll," pp. 481-493, In:

Department of the Interior and Reiated Appropriations, FY81, Part 2, Senate
Appropriations Committee, ¥4.Ap6/2:In8/981/pt.2, (CIS/MF/14, $181-15.10).

Seymour, A. (1959), "Fallout in the oceans,” pp. 1976-1989, In: Fallout from Nuclear
Weapons Tests, Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation, Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, 86th Congress, Ist Session, Vol. 3, Y4.At7/2:F19/3,
(NSA 14:9302).

Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Supply (Senate) (1983), (Witness;
discussion; radiation exposure health care), pp. 144-146, 150-151, In:
Omnibus Territories, Y4.En2:S. hrg. 98-650, (CIS) ME/T, 34-18).


Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, Subcommittee
on Asian and Pacific Affairs and Subcommittee on International Operations

(House) (1985), (Witness; discussion; compensation; rehabilitation and
resettlement; radiation health; Bikini, Enewetak and Rongelap), pp. 72, 76, 80-83,
456-465, 534-540, 566-570, 852-861, 863-866, In: Approving the Compact of Free
Association Between the United States, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated

States of Micronesia, Y4.F76/1:C73/15, (CIS/MF/11, H381-22).

Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks (House) (1984), (Witness:
discussion; Bikini and F 1ewetak rehabilitation and resettlement; Compact o:
Free Association; Rongeli.p), pp. €. 22, 47-71, 77, 96, 109-111, 118, 120-142, 147148, 164-165, 176-178, In: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Budget Request for
Fiscal Year 1985, Y4.In8/14:98-24, (CIS/MF/4, H441-10.1).

Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs (House) (1987), (Witness:

discussion; Bikini ccmpensation; Marshall Islands health care), pp. 271-302,
422-429, In: Implementation of jthe Compact of Free Association Act in the
Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, Y4.In8/14:10C-86,
(CIS/ MF/7, 441-27.8).


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