Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1963), "Providing

for the

Settlement of Claims of Certain Residents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands," H. Rept. 110, 5 pp. Y12540, (Rongelap).










Authorization for an Ex Gratia payment to the People of Bikini Atoll, in the
Marshall Islands of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands," H. Rept. 94-187,

4 pp., Y13099-3, (CIS/ MF/3, H443-9).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1975), (Witness; discussion; Bikini
and Enewetak compensation),PP. 5-23, In: To Provide for the Trust Territory -




_(CIS/MF/3, H441-31.1).







Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1977), (Witness; Enewetak

p. 3-4, 7-13, Im:
rehabilitation; Rongelap and Utirik compensation),
Authorizing Certain Appropriations for the Territories of the United States,


Certain Acts Relating Thereto, and for Other Purposes, H. Rept.

95-228, Y13172-3, (CIS/ MF/3, H443-7).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1983), (Enewetak, Rongelap, Utirik

and Bikini health care programs), pp. 3, 8-9, In:

Authorizing $15,500,000 for

Capital Improvement Projects on Guam, H. Rept. 98-174, 16 pp., Y1.1/8:98-174,
(CIS/MF/3, H443-26).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1983), (Witness; discussion;

Enewetak anc Bikini rehabilitation; health care),

pp. 2, 39-41, 44, 45-49, 51-55,

123-135, In: Health Care Systems of the Trust territory of the Pacific Islands,
¥4.1n8/14:98-9, (CIS/MF/6, H441-12.2).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1984), (Witness; discussion),

"Compact of Free Association: Compensation for Victims of United States
Nuclear Testing in the Marshall Islands:," Hearings before the Subcommittee on
Public Lands and

National Parks, Serial No. 98-56, Part II, iv, 361 pp. Y¥4.In8/14:98-

56/pt. 2, (CIS/MF/6, H441-28).

Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1984), (Transfer from Department
of Energy
to Departmentof Interior funding of Marshall Islands health care plan
for residents affected by U. S. nuclear weapons testing fallout), pp. 5-6, In:
Redesignating the Saint Croix Island National Monument in the State of Maine
as the “Satnt Croix Island International Historic Site,” H. Rept. 98-720,
Y1.1/8:98-720, (CIS/ MF/3, 4443-23).
Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1985), (Witness; discussion;
Compact of Free Association; Bikini rehabilitation and resettlement; Enewetak


Rongeiap resettlement; radiation health),

pp. 4-45, 49-51, 91-92, 97-103, In:

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Budget Bequest for FY86, Y4.1n8/14:99-8,
(CIS/MF/4, H441-13.2).

Intericr and Insular Affairs Committee (House) (1986), (Witness; discussion; Bikint,

Enewetak and Rongelap; health care; Compact of Free Association; Bikini

rehabilitation and resettlement), pp. 4-5, 10-11, 15, 25-26, 49-50, 55-59, 79-109,
114-117, 122, 135, 137, IN: Trust Territory of the Pacifie Islands Budget Reques:

for FY87, Y4.In8/14:99-36, (CIS/ MF/4, H441-15.11)



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