Appropriations Committee (House) (1978), (Witness; discussion; radiologial
survey; rehabilitation; Rongelap and Utirik compensation), Pp. 977, 986-957,

1008-1012, 1048-1058, In:

Second pupplementary


Y4.Ap6/1:Ap6/2/978-2/ pt.3, (CIS/MF/ 14, H181-93.24).


Bill, 1978, Part 3,

Appropriations Committee (House) (1979), (Witness; discussion; Bikal
resettlement; Enewetak rehabilitation; radiological survey), pp. 2-4, 6-7, 8-35, 78,
85-105, In: Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations ur

1980, Part 7, Y4.Ap6/1:In8/6/980/pt.7, (CIS/MF/14, H181-80.1).

Ap ropriations Committee (House) (1980), (Witness; discussion; Enewetak 2:4

ikini rehabilitation and resettlement; radiation health; booklet: The Eneweuk

Atoll Today), pp. 513-522, 530-778, In: Department of the Interior and Relaxd

Agencies Appropriations for 1981, Part 8, Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/981/pt.8, (CIS/MF/-3,
181-82.8; 82.9).

Appropriations Committee (House) (1981), (Witness; discussion; Enewetak acd
ikini rehabilitation and resettlement; health care; radiation health), =:

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 185,
Part 12, Y¥4.Ap6/1:In8/6/982/ pt. 12, (CIS/MF/15, H181-85.12).

Appropriations Committee (House) (1982), (Witness; discussion; Enewetak acd


ikini resettlement; Compact of Free Association), pp. 1378-1450, —:
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1983, Part 3,

Y¥4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/983/pt.8, (CIS/MF/17, H181-90.20).

Appropriations Committee (House) (1983), (Witness; discussion; Enewetak ax

ikini resettlement; Compact of Free Association; health care), pp. 1317-1374. =:
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Apprapriations for 19H,
Part 11, Y4.Ap6/1:In8/6/984/pt. 11, (CIS/MF/17, H181-94.11).

Appropriations Committee (House)

resettlement), pp. 1375-1376, In:

es Appropriations for
(CIS/MF/17, H181-94.12)





(1983), (Witness; discussion; Eneweux

Department of the Interior and Relauvd









rehabilitation; Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee, BARC), pp. 324-367, mh

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations ror 124,

Part 11, Y4.Ar6/1'n8/6/985/pt. 11, (CIS, MF/13, H181-95.11).

Appropriations Committee (House) (1984), (Witness; discussion; ZEneweux
resettlement and rehaLilitation), pp. 368-387, In: Department of the Interior cid
Related Agencies Appropriations for 1985, Part 11, Y4.Ap6/1:In8/6/9&5/pt. <:,

(CIS/MF/13, H181-95.12).


Appropriations Committee (House) (1985), (Witness; discussion; Bikini resettlemect

and rehabilitation; nemorandum of agreement), pp. 1243-1264, In: Derartmmt
of the Interior and Related (Agencies Appropriations for 1986, Part °3,

Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/986/pt. 10, (CIS/MF/16, H181-84.16).


Select target paragraph3