Congressional Reports
A major source of information on the Pacific Proving Ground;later reports ire
more informative than early reports.
Appropriations Committee (House) (1970), "Bikini Atoll problems," pp. 605-607 <n:
epartment of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1971, Paz 1,
¥4.Ap6/1:1n3/6/971/pt.1, (Cif 1181-12.6

Appropriations Committee (House) (1975), "Payment to people of Bikini Atl,
pp.887-891, In: Department of Interior and Kelated Agencies Appropriations “or
1976, Part 3, Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6/976/pt.3, (CIS/MF/13, H181-45.6).
Appropriations Commiitee (House) (1975), (Witness; discussion; agreemects
concerning use of Bikini and Enewetak Atoll; rehabilitation),PP 833-866, -n:

Construction Appropriations for 1976, Part 2, Y4.Ap6/1:M59/6/976/7~2,
(CIS/MF/14, H181-86.7)

Appropriations Committee (House) (1976), (Witness; discussion; nuczar
detonations at Enewetak Atoll; agreements; Enewetak rehabilitation; bocwet:

Radiological Conditions at Enewetak Atoil and Protection of Future Resider),

pp. 33-197, In:



Appropriations for

1977, var 3,

4.Ap6/1:M59/6/977/pt.3, (CIS/MF/8, H181-62.2), (entire section titled: "[r.ecse

Nuclear Agency, Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll").

Appropriations Committee (House) (1977), (Witness; discussion; radioloz<al
survey; Enewetak rehabilitation),

. 1072, 1094, 1096-1111, 1155-1164, -n:

Supplemental Appropriations for FY77,
(CIS/MF/17, H181-13.12).

Part 3, Y4.Ap6/1:Ap6/2/977-2/--3,

Appropriations Committee (House) (1977), (Witness; discussion; detonation: 3%

Enewetak Atoll; Enewetak resettlement; Noshkin, V.E. et al., 1976, “Plutorzom

radionuclides in the groundwaters at Enewetak Atoll," In: Transuraxim
Nuclides in the Envtronment, publication, International Atomic Energy Age=cy,
STI/Pu3/410, reprint), pp. 258-370, In: Department of the Interior and Re.tz2

Agencies Appropriations for 1978, Part 4, Y4.Ap6/1: In8/6/978/ pt4, (CIS/MF <4,

Appropriations Committee (House) (1977), (Letter from Andrus, Cecil D.. Secrs:”
of the Department of Interior; 2 oil to provide for the relief or certain roside:
che Trust Territory of the Paanc Islands; Rongelap

and Utimk), pp. ¢io-o-

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1978, Pao.
Y¥4.Ap6/1:In8/6/978/pt.4, (CIS/MF/14, H181-61.6).
Appropriations Committee (House) (1978), "Enewetak Atoil Cleanup; Probler: at

Bikini Island;" (discussion), pp. 534-545, In:



Appropriations for 1979, Part 4, Y4.Ap6/1:M59/6/979/pt.4, (CIS/Mr <1,

Appropriations Committee (House)


(Witness; discussion;

Eixim 2c

newetak rehabilitation), pp. 1156, 1160-1205, In: Department of the imtertor 1a
Related Agencies Appropriations for 1979, Part 5, Y4.Ap6/1:1n8/6, 979,7-5,
(CIS/ MF/18, H181-69.4).


Select target paragraph3