Hematological Effects on Heavily Irradiated Japanese Fisherm~>-.

4, M. (1956): ibid,

order of 350R to 400R (Tuatana, M.
and LALANNE, C. M., Annales de Radio-

logie, 6, 561, (1963) and in Effects of
Ionizing Radiation on the haematopo-

‘nt of Radioactiv

jetic tissue, Int. At. En. Ag., Vienna



We have compared our curves with
the curves of Yugoslavian accident

Survey of

itt after 10 Years,

cases, and here again we found the
same difference, and our interpreta-

»., Korama, Y. and
es of the Nuclear
10tion of Science,

tion of these data was that probably
the difference between the irradiated

cases and the purposely irradiated

patients was that in the irradiated

IOnica, 18, 379,
‘ational Congress

patients the dose was very uniform,
with a maximum variation of plus or

minus 4 per cent, whereas in the case
of accidents the uniformity was much

Zensho, 3, 660,

Jess, and of the order of 30 per cent.
Dr. Kumatorr: I agree with your

nogen concent-

rmal from the


i: I would like
t if he has an

was the dose


J ask

use we have a
of total-body

kidney trans-

its, and there
between your
ve have also,
plasia of the
atlier in oyy
y also occurs

ane is that the
leukocytes jg
ises, being of
ukocytes per
\ dose of the

Oy te
ea ie

5 about the fib-


th I have no

2D dl ee eR PalAy RE a ee ee

Ong as about 10

S came back to
eeks or so after


cases, we used
bleeding time is
and in 1 or 2
ling time at the



In my cases, I think, the


main irradiation came from externally
sources—~gamrma_ irradia-




is a




of uniform

played an important role in the hema-

tological changes. The failout material began to precipitate at 7:00 a.m.
and continued to fal! for about 5
hours. Therefore, the radiation dose
to fishermen was at first small and
then rapidsy increased. As the fishermen began to clean up at about 12:00,
the exposure rate decreased thereafter.
They were irradiated continuously for
2 weeks with decreasing dose rates.
Aside from this external irradiation,

internal exposure mayhave had some

But the internal irradiation

seemed to have onlya slight effect
on the acute hematological changes.

Select target paragraph3