William Cooper « Asst. Hgr. P&B


September 5, 1969

Demolition and cleanup on Eayu (Hen) commenced February 26 and
continued through June. Work included removal of steel and
wooden towers; demolition of wooden structures, concrete slabs,
concrete and steel junction boxes, anchor blocks, footings and
foundations; disposal at sea of approximately 400 tons of scrap
(deep sixing of scrap waa done utilizing the LCU commencing
March 28 and two barges in May-June), and disposal by burial of
approximately 1800 tons of scrap and debrie and 2600 tons of
concrete rubble, In addition, approximately 800 tons of concrete
rubble were used as rip-rap at ends of rumeay and at Camp Blandy
Beach, and approximately 3000 tons of concrete rubble were used
as backfill at the LST dock ares and the main dock area. Concrete
bunkers were stripped of a11 exposed metal and cleaned out; derms
ang coral f111 removed and used to fill over scrap pit and low




Areas @round bunkers, the dock area, the old camp area,

and equipment yard were graded and vegetation pushed into compost
piles, Salvageable buildings were cleaned out and left {intact.



Finel work on Enyu, including stripping for agricultural program,

continued intermittently in July, August, and September as fill-in




Exploratory work wes done on Bikini (How) March 3-5. Actual demolition and cleanup commenced March 24, was completed July 19. The
work was henmpered by the dense jungle growth; and the discovery of

“unknown” abandoned construction equipment and structures scattered

through the jungle added to the difficulties. Work included dozing
approximately 70 miles of parallel strips on 56-foet centers to
facilitate the plaating of coconuts, removal of steel ead wooden
towers, demolition of wooden structures, concrete slabs and revet~

ments, concrete and steel junction boxes, aachor blocks, footings
and foundations, and disposal by burial of approximately 15,000 tons
of concrete rubble, scrap fron, and abandoned equipment. In addition,
approximately 1000 tons of concrete rubble were used as rip-rap on

beech adjacent to old camp.

Concrete bunkera were stripped of 411

exposed metal and cleaned out; berms and coral fill removed and used

as £111 over scrap pits and low areas, Cleared areas vere graded,
the beaches were cleared of scrap metal including old pontoons, equipment, barges and boate. Salvageable buildings were cleaned out and
left intact. A strip the length of the island and along the lagoon
beach was cleared for building sites.


Work commenced on the southern complex of islands on June 12 and wes
completed August 15. Cleanup consisted of demolition of wooden

atructures, concrete elabs, footings and foundations in the old camp

area; reaoval of tower on Sugar and concrete footings and foundation

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Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53)


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