The approximate instantaneous dose equivalent rates for the total body
were dete. mined from the body burden data illustrated in figures 7 and 8 and
from the !ollowing equation

H = q I,



the t tal body dose equivalent rate, mRem yt,


equilibrium dose equivalent rate to the total body per unit body burden,



mRen y7i uci7l,

q = instanteous body burden, Ci.
The approximate nature of the estimate was due to the assumption that the
radioactive atoms were distributed among the body tissues as they would be following constant continuous uptake for periods of time much greater than the mean
residence time for the total body.


Im the case of 905, 86% of equilibrium was

These assumptions were not used in the estimate of the total dose


In addition,

since mean adult body burdens were computed,

a factor

of 1.2 was needed to adjust for differences in body mass relative to a 70 kg

Table 5 lists values of I which were determined from information given

in ICRP59 and corrected for body mass differences,
Figure 15 illustrates the relative contribution to the composite dose
equivalent rate for each dosimetrically significant internally deposited nuclide.

For the average Rongelap adult, the residence interval begins June l,

1957; however, many adults were reported to have resettled during the next 3-6
months (Co80b).

The composite dose equivalent rate indicated that a broad


Select target paragraph3