410789 ~BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL k LABORATORY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: Hugn Pratt FROM: z=. T. Lessard FNL SJBJECT- Chronic Dosimetry July 17 We have enc*osed a rece-*ly assemblec draft of "Reconstruction of Chronic Dosimetry for We. cents of Re zelap and Vtirik Atolls" for your consideration. T> -.nformatior in this resort makes use of data collected by youre: and member: of your medical team, Your comments would be grea._y appretiated. During the next few we2ks, v-embers c£ the MIRSP team will be travelling t> the Marshall Islancs, and to Seattle, Washington to the énnual Yealth Physics Society Meeting. Thus, your timely, review will afford is the opportunity tx: incorpor?te changes in the final drafr. Thank vou in a-sance for ary suggestions you rake. ETL: js-* Encl: ec N. A. ‘“reenhouse R. P. Miltenberger BEST COPY AVAILABLE , 198¢