dependence was 1.0L to 1.05.

The mean correction was approximately 1.02.


quently, we felt no need to correct the remaining 1976 or 1977 daca for the
minor energy dependence encountered.
A tocal of 112 RSS-111L measurements were taken on five atolls.
point is the average of at least 20 individual readings.

Each data

This assures the

precision of the value while the initial calibration guarantees accuracy.

one sigma error is on the mean exposure rate.

All exposure rate values include

natural background except where otherwise noted.

Figure 1 graphically presents

the daca obtained at Eniwecak Island, Rongerik Acoll.

On this island, random

Measurements were taken along a central northsouth cransect.

the raw data collected with one sigma error.
island ts 6.3 +R/hr,


Table 1 presents

The average exposure rate for this

This is about 1.5 times higher than the cosmic/terrestrial

date rate found on uncontaminated coral islands,
in the Rongerik Atoll due to presence of U. S.

Eniwetak was the island surveyed

servicemen at the weather station

there at the time of the BRAVO fallout incidenrc.
Tables 2, 3, 4,

5 and 6 present the raw data from Rongelap Atoll.

surveyed were Kabelle, Naen, Eniaetok and Rongelap.

The islands

Naen is locared at che

northwest corner of the atoll, and Kabelle at the northeast corner.

<KXabelle is

a significant copra resource; and both of these islands may be used for »rief
visits, bue neither of them is permanently inhabited.

These islands received a

significant amount of fallout debris and consequently, are still substantially
more contaminated than the islands of Rongelap and Eniaetok,
aast and eastern parts of the atoll.

The currence values

on these islands are listed below and in Table 14.


located in the souch-

‘for external exposure rates

The entire population presently

Average Exvosure Race









in -R’hr

Select target paragraph3