For a given area, the values of Kc and Ic will be constant along with Ry.
Since we measure Rr, the only unknown are Kj and Ij.

The value of Xj can de

determined once the ambient gamma spectrum ig known.

Data from the manufacturer

indicates an error of as much as 6 to 10% could resule if energy corrections are
not made to the gross readings.
The RSS-llls

used in this study were calibrated at the factory using tadium

sources whose calibration is traceable cto the National Bureau of Standards.


bration of the instruments were also checked by EML (formerly HASL) prior to field
Energy Dependence Corrections

In the 1977 surveys, BNL used a sodium iodide detector, whose output was
coupled te a multichannel analyzer.

The purpose was to enable the BNL team to

acquire spectra of the terrestrial background radiation at one meter above the

This was done at the same heighe and in the same areas where the RSS-l1ll

Measurements were taken.

Consequently, energy dependence factors could be cal-

culated by examining the environmental gamma scan for che energies of those nuclides
most predominant in the terrestrial environment.
The equipment used to accomplish this part of the work was a compucing Gamma
Spectrometer, Model LEA 74-008 #11 buile by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (2).

The system uses a Harshaw 5.08 cm diameter x 5.08 cm thick NaI(Tl) scintillation

The spectrometer can be operated from AC power or on internal batteries.

Spectra are visually displayed on a CRT, and transferred to magnetic tape for
storage. Using the math package with the system, each spectrum was examined in
100 XeV increments, and folded into the R2SS-L11l energy response

curve to cetermine

the energy dependence factors.
The range of factors needed to compensate the RSS-111 response due to energy

Select target paragraph3