and 1.25 man years technical.

An additional 0.25 man years for technical sup-

port was obtained from the new Safety and Environmental Protection Division
(BNLSEP formerly BNLHPS).

Miltenberger (BNLSEP) replaced Naidu and joined

Greenhouse as principle staff.

A request from the Energy Research and De-

velopment Administration, Division of Safety, Standards and Compliance
(ERDADSSC formerly AECDOS) to add air sampling equipment to the radiological

surveillance program at Bikini was received.
counting of the Bikini and Enewetak people.

ERDADSSC also requested in vivo
Major equipment purchases in-

cluded four wind-powered electrical generators, three multichannel analyzers
and two sodium iodide (Nal) detectors.
During a September 1976 BNL medical survey to Rongelap, Knudsen, a Medical Department physician, was requested by the residents of Rongelap to have
Naidu of BNLSEP stay on Rongelap Island and instruct the people in radiation

Naidu was funded by the Energy Research and Development Administra-

tion's Division of Biomedicine and Environmental Research (ERDADBER) and spent

six weeks during January and February 1977 educating the Rongelap people on
matters pertaining to the effects of radiation on man.
During April and May of 1977, BNLSEP's Greenhouse, Miltenberger and
Levine went to Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini to do site planning for wind-

powered electrical generators and air sampling stations.

Together with a con-

ventionally powered comparison air sampling station, which they installed at

Kwajalein Island, Kwajalein Atoll, these stations initiated the long-term sampling program for air activity concentrations of plutonium.


generators were judged incapable of supplying continuous year round power on

outer atolls.

Wind-powered generators were thought to be capable of supplying

Select target paragraph3