
December, Lessard, Naidu, Miltenberger, Baum and Olmer began preparations for

site review scheduled for May 1981.
During October through March, Miltenberger, Lessard and Steimers of

BNLSEP summarized the data regarding human milk samples which had been obtained from four lactating adult former Bikini females whose Cs~-137 body
burden had been defined by whole-body counting.

Also, coconut tree sap and

nuts were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to determine the presence of Cs-137
and K-40.

Results were used to estimate the Cs-137 body burden for Marshal-

lese infants whose primary food supply was human milk and coconut tree products.

Dose estimates for a hypothetical infant resident on Bikini Island

during August 1977 to August 1978 were derived from the Cs-137 body burden estimate.
During January, Miltenberger and Roesler of BNLSEP and Bennett of BNL

Medical conducted a personnel monitoring field trip to Enewetak Atoll and performed a health physics survey of the x-ray machine located aboard the
Liktanur II.

Analysis of the Enewetak results indicated Bi-207 in one person

out of several hundred who were spectroscopically examined.

Body burdens of

Cs-137, noted in all individuals examined the year before, had declined during

this first year in residence on Enewetak Atoll.

The survey of the x-ray

machine provided an estimate of the operator and patient dose equivalent.
During January and February, McCraw (DOEDHER) requested a review and response to questions posed by Johnson of the Micronesia Support committee regarding repatriation of Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.

Additionally, McCraw re-

quested a reanalysis of dose equivalent due to ingestion of coconut crab from

the northern islands of Rongelap Atoll.

Conard and Cronkite of BNL Medical


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