Co-60 and Cs-137 Long Term Biological Removal Rate Constants for the
Marshallese Population, R.P. Miltenberger, E.T. Lessard and N.A. Greenhouse,

Health Physics (In press).

Rate Constants for Biological Elimination of Strontium and Cesium in the
Marshallese Population, E.T. Lessard.

Presented at the Twenty~Fifth Annual

Bioassay Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 31-November 2, 1979.
Body Burden Measurements as Determined from Whole-Body Counting and
Urine Bioassay, E.T. Lessard, Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Bioassay

Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 31-November 2, 1979.
Dosimetry Methods and Results for the Former Residents of Bikini Atoll,

N-A. Greenhouse, Presented at the IRPA Congress, Manilla, Phillipines,
November 5-9, 1979,
An Educational Program on the Effects of Fallout from Nuclear Tests for
the Inhabitants of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utirik (Marshall Islands),
J. Naidu, Presented at the Thirteenth Midyear Symposium of the Health Physics

Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 10-13, 1979.
Dose Assessment for Rongelap and Utirik Residents 1954 to Present, E.T.
Lessard, Presented at the Twenty Fifth Annual Meeting of the Health Physics
Society, Seattle, Washington, July 21-25, 1980.
FY 1981 (Progress to Date)
Funding levels were $415,000 operating and $5,000 capital equipment for

In November, $30,000 operating were withheld by DOE, thus reducing the

MIRSP operating dollars to $385,000.
directed to RUDR.

An operating budget of $53,000 was

Lessard, Miltenberger and Naidu form the primary staff.


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