DOE F 13258 (7-79) | OATE REPLY TO ATTN OF. SUBJECT TO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY dctober 15, 1982 memorandum EP-32 ACRIO Cost per Person for DOE Medical Services in the Marshall Islands D. E. Patterson, Director Office of Operational Safety, EP-32 Per your request re the above subject, the attached table is the current number of persons seen by the Brookhaven medical teams, together with their atoll of residence and their general population category (e.g., exposed, children of exposed, controls, etc.). The Bikinians are those who were removed from Bikini Island in 1978, together with some family members. The other categories are self-explanatory. It is difficult to provide an accurate cost for this activity because the ship which is contracted for this purpose provides transportation and logistical and programmatic support not only for the medical program, but also for the environmental studies and the radiological monitoring activities; therefore, the cost of the ship includes support for multiple program elements. To give you an estimate of the range of cost per person, costs will be calculated in two ways: assuming that the entire cost of the ship is related to the medical program (which would be a gross overestimate), and assuming that one-third the cost of the ship is related to the medical program (roughly based upon the number of trips supporting the medical program compared to the total number of trips for all purposes). If the total cost of the ship is included, the entire medical program support is: 82 Est. FY 83 $2,071,000 $2,174,000 The cost per person, then, is: 82 Est. FY 83 $1,409 $1,479 If one-third of the ship cost is apportioned to support of the medical program, the entire medical program support is: FY 82 Est. FY 83 $1,513,667 $1,624,667 .