D. E. Patterson


The cost per person, then is:
FY 82

Est. FY 83



Therefore, the cost per person in FY 82 ranges from $1,000 - $1,400, although
the lower figure undoubtedly is the more realistic of the two. The comparable

estimated cost in FY 83 is $1,100 - $1,500.


It should be recognized that the actual population mandated by Public Law
95-134 is the 175 exposed persons. Observations on these people would have
little meaning without comparison populations, however. Furthermore, both
medical ethics and the people require that children not be excluded from
examination by the medical personnel. The Bikinians are included by verbal
request of the Congress and by written agreement between the Department of
the jaterior, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Bikini
Except for medical emergencies, medical care and treatment is limited to those
beneficiaries mandated by P.L. 95-134 (i.e., the 175 persons); others receive
a clinical examination, diagnostic tests, and such limited medical assistance
as can be provided at the time; anything requiring greater medical attention
is referred to the Health Services of the Marshall Islands Government.

Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D.
Office of Operational Safety

Davies, EP-30
Johnson, EP-30.1
Benedik, EP-12



T. McCraw, EP-32°—
J. Rudolph, DP-224

Select target paragraph3