
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory aimed at developing @ process for
extracting essentially pure fission products from reactor waste

There are no present military requirements for radio~

logical warfare agents, and no production facilities are planned,
Fission Weapon Production and Stockpiling
13. Nuclear Assemblies.

Chart TII-B, Nuclear Assemblies,

shows the growth of the stockpile since 1949, measured in terms
of indexes of the actual number in the stockpile (December 31, 1949


AS mentioned in the preceding Progress Report, the number of

muclear assemblies added to the stockpile in a particular period


is influenced not only by the current quantity of plutonium anc
uranium 235 being produced but also by changes in the kinds of,
nuclear assemblies being produced, by changes in the guantity of

. by diversions of material for weapon tests, and by diversicns
required to enrich the Hanford reactors and for reactor research
and development,

‘During the latter part of 1952 and the early

part of 1953 the diversion of fissionablie materials for these
~ asposes was appreciable compared with total output during that


Thus, during the first half of 1953 the number of nuclear

assemblies added to the

acced during 1952. Aj

stockpile was



than one-half the number

A ACta a




Part III

0 RT

fissionable material in the production and fabrication pipeline,

Select target paragraph3