
States acknowledges its interest in promoting the long-term
economic advancement and self-sufficiency of the peoples of the
Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia.
Subsection (b) of this section provides that the separate
agreements concluded pursuant to Article II of Title Three will
remain in effect according to their terms notwithstanding termin-

ation of the Compact or the application of any other provision of

the Compact.
This provision will continue the SOFA and the
following agreements in effect for these terms:

- Marshall Islands:
-- Military Use and Operating Rights -- up to thirty
-- Mutual Security -- until terminated or otherwise
amended by mutual agreement.
~ Federated States of Micronesia:
-- Military Use and Operating Rights -- fifteen years.
-- Mutual Security -- until terminated or otherwise

amended by mutual agreement.

Section 454 also preserves, for the duration of the military
use and operating rights agreements, the grant assistance obligations contained in Section 213, which relate to payments to offset
the impact of U.S. defense activities in the FAS.
Article VI,

Definition of Terms

Sections 461-462.
These sections define various terms used in the
Compact, and list the separate agreements concluded pursuant to
the Compact.

Section 463.

This section incorporates by references certain

United States statutes, differentiating between those laws which,
for purposes of the Compact, will remain as they were on January
1, 1980, and those which will change consistent with amendments of
a general nature enacted thereafter.

Article VII, Concluding Provisions
Section 471.
Under this section, all signatory governments agree
that they are authorized by their constitutions and laws to enter

into and implement the Compact and its related agreements. This
section also provides that the FAS will conform their laws to the

Compact prior to its effective date, so that they will be able to
implement the Compact in a manner consistent with their domestic
Finally, in fulfillment of the obligation of the Government
of the United States under paragraph (b) of this section to ensure
that its laws conform with the provisions of the Compact,
paragraph (c) of this section provides that the Compact will have
ge force and effect of a statute under the laws of the United



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