-18months is required before termination is effective.

Termination by unilateral action of the FAS is provided for
in Section 443, which requires an FAS government which intends to
terminate to conduct a plebiscite on termination in accordance
A majority vote in favor of
with its constitutional processes.
tegmination is required for termination to occur.
can be conducted only upon three months‘ prior notice to the
United States, and termination pursuant to an affirmative vote to
end the agreement would not become effective until at least three
months after certification of the results to the United States and
notification that termination will occur.
Article V, Survivability
These sections identify which portions of the
Sections 451-453.
Compact would survive, and for how long, under the different
termination procedures described in Article IV of Title Four.
Should the Compact be terminated by mutual agreement pursuant
to Section 441, the continuation of economic relations between the
United States and the FAS would be as mutually agreed.
Should termination occur at United States initiative under
Section 442, provisions of the Compact relating to the following
subjects would remain in effect until the fifteenth anniversary of
the effective date of the Compact, or longer if mutually agreed:
immigration, environmental protection, legal relations, the
nuclear claims settlement with the Marshall Islands, grant assistance, audits, security and defense relations, dispute resolution,
amendment, survivability and definitions of terms.
In addition,

the United States would continue to provide all grant assistance

and either the Federal programs and services specified in Article
II of Title Two, or their equivalent in funds -- as determined by
the U.S. -- until the fifteenth anniversary of the effective date
of the Compact.

Should termination result from unilateral FAS action under

Section 443,

provisions of the Compact relating to the following

subjects would remain in effect until the fifteenth anniversary of
the effective date of the Compact, or longer if mutually agreed:
immigration, environmental protection, legal relations, the

nuclear claims settlement with the Marshall Islands,

security and

defense relations and dispute resolution.
In addition, the United
States would consult with the FAS terminating the Compact to determine what economic assistance the United States would provide,
after termination, until the fifteenth anniversary of the effective date of the Compact with the proviso that the grant assistance provided in Sections 211, 212(b), 214, 215 -- as adjusted

pursuant to Section 217 -- and 216 would continue without

Section 454.

Under subsection (a)

of this section,

the United

Select target paragraph3