-9Subsection (da) defines United States authority incident to
implementing program assistance.
Section 222.
This section acknowledges that continuing consultation may be called for in order to ensure that the federal
services provided under Section 221(a) are appropriate to the

evolwing developmental needs of the FAS.


Section 223.
This section ensures that those Trust Territory
students embarked upon a post-secondary course of study relying
upon a particular United States assistance program, e.g. the Basic
Educational Opportunity Grant, will be able to continue to receive
such assistance for the duration of the individual academic
programs up to four years following the effective date of the

Section 224.
This section provides that the United States and the
FAS may agree on the extension of federal programs, assistance, or
services to the FAS in addition to those specified in the Compact.
While the grant assistance and services provided by Title Two
constitute a comprehensive negotiated package, this section
enables the United States and the FAS to adjust to changing
conditions and needs by establishing such additional programs as
may be authorized by United States law.
Section 225.
In order to enable the United States to fulfill its
commitment to provide programs and services in support of FAS
development efforts, the FAS will be obligated under this section
to provide at no cost land required for federal agency activities,
and to allow agencies already present in the Trust Territory to
continue use of existing facilities at no cost, or make mutually
agreeable alternative arrangements.
Section 226.
Under this section, United States Government
agencies which have statutory authority to provide technical
assistance on an intergovernmental or international basis, or to
territories or possessions of the United States, will be able to
provide such technical assistance to the FAS upon request.
light of the free association relationship, FAS requests for
technical assistance will be given priority consideration over
requests of other nations eligible for such assistance.
Section 227.
This section provides that United States military
Civic Action Teams (CAT) will be provided to the Federated States

of Micronesia under the terms set forth in a separate agreement

which, among other things, defines FSM obligations to provide
land, building materials and other support for CAT projects.
Article III, Administrative Provisions

Section 231.
This section provides for negotiations commencing on
the thirteenth anniversary of the Compact regarding the future
political relationship between the United States and the Marshall

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