a ae tee

April 1875: Preliminary surver of Bikinj and Eneo Islands eoodocted
jointir br University of Washington
and Brookhaven Nationa) Laboratory
for ERDA. Screening surver of erter-

Bee \V0-266-8 ' apd BNL 50796

mal redistion lerels and collection of
“gore soil and vegetation aamples in

preperation for a major surrey later
this sear.

Jupe 1875: A major fine grid survey of
Bikini and Eneu Island externa) raGiation letele was conducted br Law-

Exposure rater on Bikini Island
bigblr variable Enev Island dose
rates Jower thar Bikini. eittery

ERDA with participation br acientists from EPA. Universitr of Wasbington. Brookhaten National Labora.
torr. apd ERD. Also mmples of

for Grinkivg Some wel] water acceptable. other wells -unsecepto bie
for drinking. See TCRL-S28'1.
S187 Bev. 1. 51913 Pr. 1. $2176





@oil. plants. animals. and cistern and

ground water were collected.
Apri] 1876: A curver of external radie-

tion levels on Nam Island. the 8d
largesi island at Bikini Atoll. eon-

water on both islands is acceptalide

SiSie Pari 2 SISs% Part 8 517%

Pt. 5, NV O-285-82 ‘and BNL S07H6
To be publisbed.

ducted bs Brookbatrep National Lab

orator: for ERDA.
September 197¢. Conduct of a joint
gurver of 5 Atolls including Bikini
br Universitr of Washington apd

To be published

Brookbster National Laboratory for
ERDA Survesed externa) radiation
levels and collected enrironmenta!

Apri] 1977. Site tleits by Brookhaven
Nationa] Laboratury to plan installation of windmill powered alr a2nDling stations

Bikini Atoll ope of.

four sites {us iong-term air sampling.
Work supported by ERDA.
October 1977: Brookhaten Nations)
Laboratory instalied wind-powered
long-term air aempling station on

Bikioi Island

Bite identified. agreement obtained

Dats pot yet available.

Work supported br

In.vs Counting cad Urine Biccsscy Sampling—Btkini Atoll

Sempling ‘Counting *

1970': Ponied orine collected. analrsed for Sr-00. Ce-13%. and Pu-239.

3187) *: Pooled urine collected. analyzed for Br-90. Cs-187, and Pu-239. 240.

1972'; Ponleg nrine collected Ce187 concentration abows factor of 4 increaxe
over 1970. Sr-00 increase is factor of 2.

1973 °: C«-137 in urine bigher than 1970 bs factor of about 10. Sr-80 increase is

factor of 4.
April 1874': First in vivo counting of Ce-187 ip Bikin! residents. Ce-13° urine
values about same as 1973. Br-00 levels down pear 1970 values. Pu-239. 2s
higher than 1973 bs factor of about 5‘
April 1975 : Po-285. 240 bigber than 1971 by factor of 10.‘
Fall 1976: Pu-239. 240 bigber than 1971 by factor of 2.’ Ce-187 urine value
§ Results from severe! survere
bUsbed Ly ove report. Br-O0 and Ce-137 are dominant in
the terrestria! epvironment
1 abd PeSS in marine epvironmen!. and A��-24) anc
P It 240 are important is soils Racdtooctivity os Bikin! Atoll Bas dectinec signifcentis

.. Zo pling oex. Eierent ledividnals at @iferest times as peopke come and gv at Bikin!
inh B

* Be BNL S424. Rept 1675.

"Thee pesnits suspect asmples may have bet contaminated. efror ic measurement

te 71% 0/0


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