
Mr. Drat I can supp you s statement for the record. I will give
you some information and we will supply a summary.
{The information follows :}

Chronology of Retiologics! Serveys—Bikinl tou


Yosr ond type 0f survey,


Aagust 1964: Karly radiobdlologica! sur- Photograpbed and identified organisms
wey of Bikin! ‘armEnewetak Atolls
oo reefs and islands. No gross apomconducted by the Caiversity of Waaballies aeen in plants and animels doe
ington for AEC. Measurements and
to radioactivity. Bee UWFL-S8.
sampling were Cirected toward externs! radietion, soils, plans, water,




and fab.
April 1967 : Survey to AI {pn gape ip Geta Major contributor to total exposure on
Bikini and Enev Ialands !s Cs-187.
in order that dose estimates can be
made for Bikiz! Atoll residents. Team
Levels vary considerably from island
led by University of Washington Exto laland in the AtolL Bee HASL-190.
terna) radiation measurement by the
AEC Health and Safety Laboratory,
February 107. Survey work Gone con- Confirm earlier survey results for excurrently with cleanup operations by
ternal redietion. Ce-13" and 8r-90
Tuiversitr of Washington scientists
predominate in terrestrial organisms.
for AEC, and by ecfentists of the
Co-@0 and Fe-SS in marine organWestern Enrironmenta! Research Lafans See NVO-200-5.


boratory of the Environmental Protec-

Gon Agency, EPA under a memor-

andéum of understanding with AEC.

Jupe 1970: Team ied by University of

Washington with marticipetion by

Staff of the Public Health Service and
AEC. Collection of the first alr samples. Also collected soils, planta, an!mals and made additional external reGiation measurements.

May 1972: Followup survey conducted

after coronuts planted op Bikini and
Di.w 7 '2ude a> .onsing construc:

tion started on Bikin! Island. Team
led bs University of Washington with

Confirm earlier survey resulta Levels
of Pu tn alr are two orders of magnuitode
below FEC guides.

Radionoclide levels slowly decreasing Earlier estimates confirmed by
theae dats.

ricipation by scientists from the

estern Environmental Research
Laboratory, EPA, and AEC. Team





solla plants, animals, and made external radiation measurements

April 1974: Followap survey of numer-

ous Atolia, incioding Bikin!, coo-

8See BNL 50474 and NVQ-269-22*.

docted jointly by staff of Caolveraity

of Wasbipgtor aod Brookhaven National Laboratory for the AEC. The
worves team coUected mamples of
soils. plants. animals. ground weter.

anéd made external radiation meas

afi &
y of pumeroas
_ s vopdactad »uotly by Univer.
sity of Wasbington and Brookbaven
National Laboratory

Bee NVO-269-32' and BNL S0706 ix


for the AEC.

Sawyies of soll and food collected

along with externa] radiadon meas



Select target paragraph3