-2Marshall Islands, plus a matched control population consisting primarily of unexposed Rongelap people, In addition,
a limited surveillance has been provided to those persons
who were relocated from Bikini.

The approximate numbers of

Marshallese are:


~ 90


~~ 160

Matched controls

-~ 200


~ 140


~~ 590

Depending upon circumstances, usually three of four trips
are made each year to these locations,

Brookhaven National

Laboratory (BNL) Medical Department physicians coordinate
and direct these programs,

One of these trips consists of

a large medical staff (usually 12), the majority of whom
are specialists from various leading U.S, medical centers
and institutions, At this time the annual physical examinations are given, including hematological, urological,
serological and other examinations as appropriate,
During these visits, "sick call'' is held for all residents
wishing medical attention; this usually results in up to
several hundred persons on each atoll seeing the physicians.
Included in "sick calls" are physical examinations, blood
tests, treatment if possible, and referral to the Trust
Territory Health Services,
Other visits during the year are far more specialized examinations (e,g., pediatrics, thyroid, dental, intestinal parasites,

etc,) and include BNL staff and appropriate specialists.

Select target paragraph3