° AOR OSS EV-50 JUN 21 1979 Me Whitnah . «6 Re OO +: “Po EV-2 ‘,,Liverman Ur. Pichard Stone Deputy Assistant Ge. 2ral Counsel Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 20391 6/. 179 BY23 Broth roeners 6/ /79 - Dear Mr. Stone: EV-4 This is in responses to your -celephone request of June 14, i°79, to members of my staff for informacion relative to -Holliste of /79 the recent past, current, and projected costs and xeneral montent cf the con::inuing and anticipa:d Deprrimentr of La) 1.0 . ” a” : D- EV-1 Clus- - sd Energy (22) programs in the Marsha’... Isicnds. ‘5 a The enclssc:d cons~sts of a “best estrmata’ py the staff. In view cf the nzecure of the program:, the fect that the direction :ad magnitude of future efiec.: often depends upon conec...sicns resulting from corti viing curveillunce of the situaticn, and the expectation tiat futur] ~tecuests from various interested parties may significantly affect the program, it should be clearly «wnderstced thac the enclosed cost estimates are considered as tentative only. As you well know, the present circwsstances in the Marshall Islancs are very fluid, and it is <.£ficult to anticipate a wide spectrum of possible demand: upon the progzazus which might alter the cost estimates. i Furthermore, 7‘: should be noted that we have rot included those prorzans which are not cf 2 sontinuing natire and are consi:ier:d to terminate within the next fiscul year (e.g., the ts-atoll survey, suppert to the Defense Nuclear Agency for activities associatec with the clesmvr of Laovetak). I trust chet this information i: responsive te your request. Please let m2 know if we can be of further asuiecance. c * ortpfinsSedvea by Ruth C. Clusen Assistant Secretary for Environment oy wo‘ Ruth C. Ciusen Assistant Secretary for Environment . ~ - Enclosuce EV-21 EV-223 Wachliww.z M:Craw 6/ /70 /79 EV-123 Peel 60/79 6/ 179 Y-122 Ev-3i Rise” Wey2on 6f /79 5/ wy--32 EV-30 MeO-ummon Burr 779 6 O79 6/ EV-51 Mayhew /79 6/ {79 ‘ ~ us 2Tl {79