lines so that there was a potential for a very useful exchange of information.
Unfortunately, Dr. Kavanaugh died shortly after being named committee chairman and it will probably be necessary to start over.
Dr. Totter suggested
that the Advisory Committee might wish to comment on this problem in its
letter to the chairman.
Dr. Totter felt that a scientist with a good knowledge of the biomedical aspects of plutonium toxicity should be attached to
the General Manager's office to coordinate all the plutonium activities
within the Commission.
The Division of Military Application apparently is
being more cooperative with DBM than it has in the past, largely because of
the very fine impression Dr. Richmond made while he was attached to the DBM
Dr. Totter reiterated his opinion that there is a strong need for
better training programs for people who are going to work with plutonium.
He feels that at the present time they are inadequately trained and are not
sufficiently aware of the hazard.
The committee then returned to the question of whether it would be
advisable to have a carefully documented and well balanced article published
on the plutonium problem.
Dr. Finch thought that if a good article could be
written, that Scientific American might be a good place to submit it.
Members of the DBM staff at this point left the meeting and the
committee considered its nominees for the Lawrence Award.
Its final
decision was that its first choices were Drs. Howard Adler from Oak Ridge
and Dr. Marvin Goldman from the Davis Laboratory.
The committee expressed

no preference between these two.

was the committee's third choice.

Dr, Spar from the University of Rochester

The Minutes of the 139th and 140th meetings were approved as distributed.
The next meeting will be held at the Argonne National Laboratory on
May 5-6, 1972.
The committee adjourned at 11:45 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,

John B. Storer, M.D.

Scientific Secretary

Advisory Committee for Biology
and Medicine


Select target paragraph3