
Fallout Patterns

| \% deed

The source documents (indicated tn the References portion of this rerort
indicate the/deseiratecontours for the fallout patterns heave beBn drawn to

show the ganna (deserate in roentgens rer hour, three feet aboval
in terms of the one hour after burst reference time.

the ground,

The yi-2 aprroximza tion

was used when no actual decay data was available to aditust radiftion meesure-

ments to the one hour reference time.

It is important to recognize the H +1

hour is used as a reference time, and that only the ccntours frbm low yield
were complete at one hour after burst.

For high yield wearcns]

fallout over

some parts of the vast areas shown did not commence until ramfhours after

Where several fallout patterns were available fcr a rarefsts event,
eac: has been presented.
Hodo graphs

The hodographs were drawn for a ccnstant ballson rise ratte of 5,000

ft/hr and are presented because other, more meanine?:1l, infe
not available.

Several hodogranhs are indseated for the H plus times indicated

vy the number at the end of the arrow.

This nurser is in HY

It is recognized that fallout did not necessarily folldw
presented herein.

However, a simole comparison of the CAST3s

plus hours.

the hodograrns
BRAVO hodozgrachs

with the actual or modeled fallout patterns will snow the xBrit of ‘their



Select target paragraph3