Larcer doses will ba delivered

closer to the particle but with the relatively rapid movemsnt of the particle, it does not eppear that large doses will be delivered to a great
numbsr of calls.

at ar ota

ricrosurie) in 20 mimutes {erzendix L),

Multiple exposures might oceur from additional particles

Considerable effort is being directed toward the study of contamin-

ation of food from fellout.

One element of major concern is sr7O,

sr ae

but opetn this rick os difficnlt to ev tiunte.


has been eatinrted that Af one vere to subsist entirely on food grown
from soiis contsining cbout one-tenth to one riicrocurie por sqiore Soot
of Sr’


(1,000 pounds of caleiwa per cere to an avorsge depth of six to






poven dnchea), that over a poriod of yorrs thore vould acemaus.c: dn ths
c C0.”
hucen sicleton
a bady
burden cf one ricroscvris
of Sr°°*,

tt ay
The hichest

ectivity found in soils from esriculturcl aress, about 100 milis frem the

Foveda Toot Site, mew shows a cencentration of about 3.4210 ~ :Asre-

curled yop savere foot,

This is a factor of 20-300 times logs than tha ence

tenth to ous micresurie of Sr*~99 quoted ubova.

The caleium contznt of soils

around the Nevada Test Site is several tines greater than the 1000 pounds
Fer acre uszd os a basis for calewlations, vhich would materizliy reduce
ths strontium: uptake,

interest to note that soils were collected from the Marshall Islands

following the fallout in early March 1954.

Appendix M summarizes these

data. )
A recent report** strongly suggests that contamination of leaf sur*Private communication, L. A. Dean, U. Si Department of Agriculture,
Beltsville, Maryland, April 23, 1954.


D. GC.


July 1954 (SECRET)

Division of Biology and Medicine, Washington,

- 52 «

a NeNE ee

(Although not of direct concern to the Nevada Test Site, it is of

Select target paragraph3