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one, it was recommended in the January 20, 1954 meeting to strike from the
record the past recommendations for maximum permissible air concentrations,
It was recermended thet an sir monitor’ng program be continued for documentery
may mt 8 meee oe

purposes end for whetever velue tho Gata inicht have in the future vien new


RpaRRaELe apie apagee HH rn SE agaioe era4

arriving at the recommendation “4. nor is it desirable that any individual
particle in this size range have activity greater than 10° microcuries cal-


A further discussion of the single particle problem may be made,


analyses might be made in the light of additional Imovwledge.

culated four hours efter the blast" a computation was made that the averag
redietion dose from such a perticle to a sphere one-half a milliuster in

radius vould be 325 reps.*

However, ths conclusions may be mislonding.

In the ccse of a single particle, relutively large doses are delivered necr
the porticle and smcll doses ata grerter di:tsnce.
a> possible estimete of this phenerenon.
many and citricult to evaluate.


Appendix L susrests

The parameters involved hers sie

For oxannic, how long will a particle romain

in one place in the lung and what dera will be delivered during tht t272?
It has been sugzested** that in the uprir reepiratory passage 20-mieron

diameter particles are the upper linit of size for deposition and thet "Cilia
sweep 4 to 6 cycles per second.

The protability of a particle rezaining

within one millimeter sone fer as much as cno~half hour seppears to be
vanishing small,

eee Protection will also te provided by the mucus lining


Accepting the estizates

above and the methods illustrated in appendices E and F, it may be computed that about 8 reps would be delivered to the surface of an imaginary
stationary sphere one millimeter in radius by a 20-micron particle (0.5

*Minutes, Meeting of Committee to Consider the Feasibility and Conditions
For A Preliminary Radiologic Safety Shot for Jangle. LASL. May 21-22, 1951.


A status report.

Sept. 15, 1954. (CONFIDENTIAL),




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which is itself renewed several times ean hour."


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indicates that the external gamma hazerd is more limiting than the inhalation

Select target paragraph3