tact that would be valid for all cases, one might assume the worst case
where the material remains in place until its activity has decayed to

an insignificant level.

Dose rates could then be approximated, to yield

a given infinity dose. by:
D= 5At


D = infinity dose

A = dose rate at time "t",

If the above discussion is accepted, then the remaining question
is to set the infinity dose.

Here, we must be clear that whereas the

measurements taken by the monitors, and the data upon which action will
be decided will be gamma dose rate readings, the point of principal
concern is the beta dose delivered to the basal layer of the epidermis
(assumed as 7 milligrams per square centimeter)... The ratio of emission
of beta to gamma is a function of time after detonation and follows no
simple relationship.

Further, this ratio at any given time after deton- —

ation has not been firmiy established.
ing data;



One report* suggests the follow-




72 hours
168 hours


These data were obtained from a cloud sample, rather than actual fallout
Materia., and were a measure of surface dose on a plaque using a "dosi- —
meter type beta-ray surface ionization chamber."
The method of collection suggests the possibility that the thickness
of material on the plaques may be less than that to be expected from the
amount of fallout that would be of concern when estimating probabilities
of beta burns.

This would result in a different angular distribution

of the betas influencing the beta dose rate in the direction of a higher
value for the plaques.


Scientafic Director's Report, Annex 6.5.

Survey-meter Data’,


- 16 fr v7

"Interpretation of

Select target paragraph3