The action of requesting personnel to remain Indoors is tredicated

on the principle that th
for evacu.tion

taht 7

rodiaticn levels sre below those estsblishs|

and that this action could reduce the amount of coniun-

ination of personnel and reduce somewhat the whole-body gama cose.
(See Appendix A for estimates of reduction in whole-body gamma dose. )

The actual "savirgs”
heslthwise heve to be balanced against possible
adverss public reaction.
The principal gein in reaguesting personnel to remain Indoors is
to prevent or raduce the anoint of atocic dcbris thit may actusally

fall on the bady cr clothing.

Since the peek of fallout usually occurs

shortly after the start of faliout, it is important that prompt decisions

er actions ts taken,

This, by netecsitr, the most practical criteria

upon whach to base a decisicu are das: rate readings, which ove
in turn related t+ tne anoint of fallout.

The most immediate solution misht be to establish lower permitted

dose rate isveis at le er tincs after detonation.

However, if~ a series

of dose rates are established for inecre>sing times after detonation s5
that their relationship follows tr7de2, then the doses delivered in x

hours (before the material is washed off) will be greater for earlier
times after detonaticn.

If one were sure of the fims that the fallout

material was to remain in place, then a scale of dose rates versus tice
after detonation could be made to yield the same total dose over the X

Since there is obviously no set time period for duration of con-


Select target paragraph3