The very nature of the weathering factor makes this a diffiewlt

parameter to evaluate,

The probability of occurrence of precipitation

and/or winds and to what degree has to be estimated as well as their
ffects on radiation levsls.

Leaching effects were studied on sails

about 120 miles frou ground caro where fallout had occurred during

Dese rata readings were insignificastly levar Shacn

those predicted by radiological decay according to q71s2 after a
period of more than one year.

One example of the effects of winds was

obszrved during Upshot-Knethole.

The fallout from the March 17, 1953

dstonstion vas in a lous narrow patiern
wah. ee

to the east ef ground 26506

Tre sacoud Gay after fellout a rather streng surtace wird bicw

aleost at right angles across the crea,

Ler about a perdod of 2 day.



Dose vate readisgs were teken on the first end fourth days at the
some locations cnd then were compared.

The fourth day done retes

were Jess, by factors of thrse to six, then thase “o be expected fron

the Phust

dys readings, based on rete ef dscuy oF

Tallout menisrements indicited thet ihe reic of ©


(0° ar

of this Saplout

materiel ves not significantly diffvsrent fren tt)

Bearurs of tle

yuxrsicel conditions descriked above, these redux.

i in contunination

probably are near the upper limit to be expectec

41 wind.

Operational Feasibility of Crit.

It is not the intent here to discuss operat:-.:21 procedures, but
it should be indicated that the computing of red’ ton doses as reccn=
mended in Criteria I is a not too difficult tesk.

if one assuies a

tl? rate of decay as a first approximation, then a single graph of
dose rates versus times after detonation can be c. .:ctructed that will

Select target paragraph3