
Discussion of


Wath ote


thsAptenmus’ om elwetsss.
x by db


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from th: ting of

fallout until the time of evacuation it is expected that personnel will

(See Criteria II.)

bs kept indoors.

Major lesses cue to weathuring

can not be relied upon during this period, so that the estinst<c factor
4s 1/2.

From the time evacuation could have been accomplishid until the

time of estimated ruturn it ig assuned that personne] wild bs

about half of each 24 hours and that major losses due to secthertne

can not be relied upon.

The over-all factor is thus 3/4.

The save reasoning applies to the third period of time, i.5., from
essuned tine of return to 15 cays after fallout.

Fron 15 days after

fati out vwntail one yerr Jater it is ssevinated

that the attenuation due to bolldines end th: effects of weath slug
will yield an over-all factor of 1/2.
se rate readings have been taken with survey meters ovicide end
inside of houses

esround th:

Neveda Test Site efter Sallout occurred,

The ratio of rendings varied with the tree of construction of ths
heuse end with the lecation within tho building,

Generaliy., (os; rati


of readings outside to inside a frame house was about 2/1 1
grcater differencs for masonry construction.

A limited mmber of filn

insid: of some houses

Snapper and elso UschoteKneithols,

wh 2 SOmsUr..

during Terbler~


in the first case, the di:fer

badges Were placed outside and



only about a 20% difference was noted.

In fact, in one case during

Upshot-Knothole the film badge inside read higher than outside.


emertee o

in total doses was again 2 to 1 or greater but during Upshot-Kncthole


during future operations.

i a ne

differences between these experimentsl data will have to be investicated

Select target paragraph3