

The GAC was much impressed by the presentation end complimented
Dr. Libby. It is felt that for the first time the show is on the road.
There is enough evidence to emse concern, and the AKC should support

The program looks sensible, sane, and definite.
Dr. Sayth expressed eur thanks to the GAC and to Dr. Libby.

The Cog raan asked if we knew enough to put a redflaz on

CASTLE. Dr. Libby said our ignorance is such thet the range of possibilities
casts a shadow on aaneae but that we should prebably go ahead.

There is no money problem et present.


5. Reactors.

Dr. Rabi said that
/ & superb presentation of various views was made. The consensus
is in favor of development of civilian power -- and, in a reactor which
would produce significant anounte of power. The Puk seems a good direction in which to go, but the development mibe around a scheme were

the cost per installed kw. would be in the range of other meas, 0.€.,

SO% more = g couple of millions more.


The GAC is pleased that the Commission/sewedup the SRE,


The Comalttes, perhaps waninously, felt that the design should

be studied carefully, but that we should net proceed with construction
4f the cost per installed kw. exceeded, say, $320.
The Committee considered various types ef subsidies - direct,
eost of raw materials, purchase ef by-products. A large majority felt
that subsidy is necessary to stert the industry.

Dr. libby sald there was a wide spectrum of opinion. He feels

that civilian power is far eff and that we should stress ether civilian
uses. he likes the Pak for possibile Navy uses.
Dr. Whitean said he did not quite agrees with Dr. Rebi's state~ment about getting down to a definite cost per kv.3 rather, we should try
to build enly if the design promises a reactor in the ball park of

economic power.

Dr. Murphree said that if the design won't extrapolate to a

reactor of, say, 300,000 kwat about 6300 per ins, we should not proceed

with that design.


development is excluded,


55,000 kw. on Dr. Murphree's basis should eost about $33,000,000.

Select target paragraph3