a er mem


Mr. Cutler contirueé mis briefing Py expliaicing the
and recommendations of the NSC Planning Boarc or she sotone

D-Minus which the Boar hac been requested tc sonsice-

of Plan

qe pointed

out that the Budget Bireau ~epresentative cn the “lannin, Soard hac
expressed concern as *c tne validity of the -asua.t: “t.cires “tetaling 50,000,000) which were set forth in paragrap:. *
“wre OA of
Part I of the Plan.
“he 3t.ge* Member had pedintes ci" “iain i hese
sasualty figures were no’ s.ppocted or a curvernt ites
Tae Net
Evaluation Subcommitte«

The Preside: t again interrupted te gay “het

ing of the validity o°


casualty @igures

of getting into "a numbers same’.

coir question.

‘liustrete i the dangers

The President suggested that in-

gtead of over-a.] tas.ait. “igures, Plan D-Minus sheul: assume certain classification o «areer cf sssuaity and damace wee
word te

related to the target:
sategories of areas.


he ‘e,res of camage 9°



Mr. Cutler epwie.. ty stating that the 'Lanris., Soard hac
deemed the 50,000,00C casue.t}) 7liamre as reagonabie
o: the light of
past reports by the Net Pve..uatior Subcommittee
Me “Lanning Boar
further felt that some suct cver-412 casualty @Pieure: ~- necessar
for planning purposes
Pur exampie, one has te lpr cre amber
estimated availabie ..s;) “6
(‘teas Ha such caguglt: to


Mr. Catier ‘mer c.agec oom Mr. Gray to epee. °
Snde ome ini
Mr. Gray replied that the Furea. ..f the Bucget was pro aanuy otgeht

Yo one could actuall. prove that cmder suck » surprose
cack we would have 50.90,"

wasualt‘es in

“he nite

some kind of estimate war evsenisl for the purposes

cleur et-






civil Defense Administratic: and ���heir rehabilitatic: sinandi: s.
Perhaps this sould be jen-, ag th President suggester.
>. terms of
areas related t targ ts within trem.
Since th»
“Laure wa
not very useful. Mr. ora, s:ic that the pret oer o 1)
tar. ned
the light of the Pres gers”

Select target paragraph3