This 35 year old male was 8 monthsin utero at the time of exposure to the fallout from Bravo. In October 1989 he
was noted to have a thyroid nodule in the right thyroid isthmus. He was referred to the NIH f@r additional evaluation.

Physical examination revealed a right sided inferior thyroid nodule approximately 0.8 cm in diafneter. The thyroid was

of granular consistency and the remainderof the physical examination was unremarkable. Thyfoid function tests were
within normal limits, including a serum TSH. Ultrasound of the neck showed a large nodule. T@chnetium thallium scan
showed a cold nodule in the lowerpole of the right thyroid. Fine needle aspiration showed bloofl elements, nofollicular
cells were seen. The patient underwent a right thyroid lobectomy on 12/7/89. Pathology from the right
hemithyroidectomy showed a 6x3x2.5 cm specimen containing a 1 cm hemorrhagic cyst with a[.5 cm papillary growth
within the cyst. Frozen section showed a benign hypertrophic nodule with papillary proliferatiog and hemorrhage. This
was confirmed as a colloid cyst by permanent section. Two foci of micropapillary carcinoma, separate from the nodule,

were detected. The patient was placed on suppressive Synthroid and no additional surgery walt
the patient is on Synthroid 0.2 mg. q.d. and is doing well.


performed. Currently

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