Bleeding perimeters were normal. VDRL was positive at 0 dilution and FT ABS was also
positive. ANA was negative. T4 was 5.3 with RT3U of 43.6, free T4 index was 3.2-.which
is borderline low. TSH was normal at 3.5. CSF VORL was negative. Chest x-ray was
normal. Selective cerebral angiography was done which confirmed a right frontotemporo-

parietal infiltrating. neoplasm compatible with a glioblastoma:

EEG done on 3/23/82

showed excessive slowing in the right hemisphere consistent with a mass effect.
EKG was within normal limits.


The patient underwerit surgery. on 3/24/82 with complete excision of an angioma. The
pathological evaluation revealed some atypical features and other regions were characteristic of ‘angioblastic meningiomas.
The postoperative course was initially unremarkable, but on 4/2/82 she became febrile
and developed bilateral pneumonia. She was treated initially with Mannitol and
Erythromycin with rapid defervesence dnd improvement in her pulmonary function. She
deve loped bronchospasm treated with inhaled sympathomimetics and Theophylline: preparations.
The patient was discharged on 4/14/82 in much improved condition. Discharge medication
included E-mycin, 250 mg, 2 pills 3-times daily afte meals; Synthroid,’ .15 mg ‘daily;
phenobarbital, 60 mg 3 times a day and Theo-Dur, 300 mg, 3 times a day.
The patient had been placed.on: thyroid suppression because nf her previous exposure to
radiation in the Marshall Islands.
The patient's positive VORL was treated: with Benzathine penicillin 2.4 million units IM
in each buttocks after Benemid, 1 gram by mouth on thé day before discharge: She will
be seen in the outpatient clinic in one week where repeat penicillin therapy will be
given and again the following week. Hopefully, bronchodilators and Erythromycin can be
discontinued at that time. She’ should remain on phenobarbital and thyroid replacement
indefinitely. She will be seen-by myself-and Dr. Gonzalo Chong in the outpatient clinic.

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Dict: 4/19/82

Trans: 4/20/82









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