consiagerapie !inguistic and grammatical limitations that inmipic precise, unambiguous communication of scientific and medical concepts. Question 1 a. It is my understanding that the 1978 survey of nuclear radiation in the northern Marshall Islands was undertaken to characterize the radiological b. c. environment of the islands for use in making decisions about their future use. Since I was not a participant I was not given information about the general directions advanced by DOE to the survey team. Since I was not a participant, I was not given information about specific tasks that were to be undertaken. It is my understanding that the results of the survey were to be documented in reports prepared by the REPOSITORY DOCUMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN ECI COLLECTION Reviewed wLL:SahelDate 5WY(2. BOX No. F V.N.L. Mars hall as land > 96 #9 roroen Marshall Ts lands