of 200 feet.

The ground level dose rates were all found

to be less than 0.3 mr/hr on BRAVO + 1 Day. Of the 13

islands surveyed by Mr.Cassidy on the same day, the
highest reading was 0.5 mr/hr. Breslin reported
negative findings. I do not have any recollection of

the manner in which his flight was vectored, but that

should be a matter of record.
Somewhere there must be a compilation of the data
obtained on these over flights for subsequent tests.
Thus there need be speculation as to the extent of the
fallout on the Islands of the Pacific, starting with
the MIKE test on November 1 1952.
Note that, early on my flight of November 2, I
found.no fallout on Ujelang at 0845 local time. I don't
remember the meaning of "passed word to LST", but it
can only mean that it was the boat on which the Ujelang
inhabitants had been evacuated, and that I was asked to
report to the LST that conditions were safe for their
return. This is in contrast to the testimony of The
Honorable Ismael John that everything was covered by
fine dust, and that the inhabitants suffered from
radiation effects. Incidentally, I am quite certain
that HASL had located monitoring equipment on Ujelang,
which would have required that the island be visited
every few days for servicing purposes.
As I said at the hearing, it is unlikely that any
undisclosed information exists that will affect our
understanding of the extent of the BRAVO fallout.
However, after forty years, such documentation that
does exist may be hard to retrieve except by a lot of
searching at HASL (now EML), CINCPAC headquarters, and

the files of the former AEC Division of Biology and

Medicine to which HASL then reported.
There are a considerable number of unanswered
‘questions concerning the events prior to and subsequent
to BRAVO. I think these questions should be answered
for historical purposes, and I have been greatly
impressed with the diligence with which Ms. Linda Chase
has attempted to lecate important relevant documents.
If I can be of any assistance in this regard I hope you
will call on me.






Steven L. Simon
Harry J. Pettengill,


Linda Chase

Select target paragraph3