Lope, Belk"
Merril Eisenbud Sc.D.
711 Bayberry Drive
Chapel Hill, N.C.

FAX/TEL (919) 967-4561

February 28 1994
Representative George Miller
Committee on Natural Resources
U.S.House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr.


I appreciated the opportunity you gave me to appear
at the hearing you conducted on the legacy of the
nuclear testing program in the Marshall Islands. As I
testified, it is significant that in the forty years
that have passed since that tragic event occurred, this
was the first time I have been asked to record my
knowledge of the matter, despite the central role
played by the laboratory I directed. Many of the
unusual circumstances surrounding the BRAVO fallout, as
known to me, are described in my autobiography, An
Environmental Odyssey, to which several references were

made during the hearing.

I found myself in disagreement with much of the
anecdotal information presented by others concerning

the allegation that heavy fallout must have occurred

far beyond the islands that have traditionally believed
to have been affected. As I testified, the AEC Health
and Safety Laboratory (HASL), of which I was then
director, undertook extensive aerial surveys of the
islands of the Central and Western Pacific, and our
findings are a matter of record. My own participation.
in those surveys was limited to the D+l day overflights of the islands downwind of MIKE, and the D+6
day over-flights of the islands north of Guam in the
far Western Pacific.

Other associates,

the late Dr.

John Harley, Mr. Mel Cassidy, and Mr. Alfred
made similar flights over islands.
A copy of my field notes from October 30
I left the islands on November 7 is attached
letter. Note that I surveyed 20 islands from

1952 until
to this
a height

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