& STANDARD FUNM WO Ue Jv STATI om # ~ Office Merjorans (pA K. D. Nichols ; TO 1ROM General Manager : Colonel Vincent G,. Huston, USAF Acting Director of Military Application “UBJECT: CHRONOLOGY OF ESTABLISH ENT OF DANGER AREA AROUND PACIFIC PROVING GROUNDS LACS MAT: NDG Symbols bw ” D. #2 * : p Un C8: don . PY AU BY“nr The first Commission action on record in DMA files to establi a closed area aroynd the Pacific Proving Grounds took place on December 2, 1947 when the State Department notified the United Nations t at Eniwetok Atoll and its terflgorial weters were closed p s Yea t 7! ha iad (Enclosufq ‘ ant to the provisions of he 1), steeship agreement On December 23, ALY, in @ memorandum from CarrolY Wifson to the é by the pare’Tels10°15!'-_ randum was oiteon to the 23, 1947 rqquesting thata \ established (Enclosure 8). f aval operations, the AEC requested ished around finiwetok Atoll bounded 451 north latitude and the meridians ude (Enclosure 2), A similar memo- Obo rdfnating Committee on December bimilar danger zone for aircraft be re is no record indicating on what basis the patent of the dahger area = determinede On Decexbet 17, 1948, Carroll Wilson approved the idea of continuing indefinitely the danger area established in 1947 (Enclosure lh). Al : B\ area and danger area previously established (Enclosure 5). State Department raised no objection, The On Decexber 15, 19h8, by memorandum, the AEC requested the CNO (Enclosure 6) and the dir Coordinating Committee (Emlosure 7) to post the necessary notices to mariners and warnings to airmen to the effect that the closed area and danger area would remain in effect for an indefinite period, The danger area which was established in 1947 and which wes per- petuated in 1948 for an indefinite period as outlined above was ~ the danger area wiich was in effect during the last full-scale overseas atomic test operation (IVY, November 1952) which » pre-~ 3 we mem ttn teed se. - ary po” tf C. a “tate, ° © - Ww a C) ber to ro - = - - se ne rn ee et i ceded the present test series, ‘ TrR XO The State Department was notified on Dece-ber 15, 1948 of the AEC intention to continue for an indefinite period the closed we 02 rit tease Swrized mile this docurent Received in Ollics af ger on23 y of Gereral Mort ,