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Two numbers must be clarified before a specific
progr~-:~an be established. The first is the number of groups.

The Bikinian leaders have indicated that approximately 700
of the 925 Bikinians would probably want to resettle on Eneu.
Using this number as an estimate, the 700 people could be
divided into two groups of 350 each or three groups of approxi,,,.

mately 235 each. The size of the groups (and hence the number
.- .
of groups) should depend on the support facilities which can be
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_—— ...-—-.
constructed on”Eneu and the other islands west of the Eneu Channel.


The second number which must be clarified is the
length of stay at Bikini Atoll.

One year seems to be a rea-

sonable period for rotation, but there must be further dis\
cussion with the..peopleof Bikini~ as well as Depar~ent
Interior officials,





Select target paragraph3