. . . -5 -.. Two numbers must be clarified before a specific progr~-:~an be established. The first is the number of groups. -- The Bikinian leaders have indicated that approximately 700 of the 925 Bikinians would probably want to resettle on Eneu. Using this number as an estimate, the 700 people could be .-— divided into two groups of 350 each or three groups of approxi,,,. —. mately 235 each. The size of the groups (and hence the number .- . .... of groups) should depend on the support facilities which can be .. . _—— ...-—-. --. ...... -—--.-. constructed on”Eneu and the other islands west of the Eneu Channel. -— The second number which must be clarified is the length of stay at Bikini Atoll. One year seems to be a rea- sonable period for rotation, but there must be further dis\ cussion with the..peopleof Bikini~ as well as Depar~ent Interior officials, -. I ,. ( of .