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It is possible, however, that these islands could


not handle such a large number of people.

If this is the

case, the Bikinians propose to utilize a systemedevised


the people of Enewetak several years ago when they were
on Ujelang Atoll.



When the Enewetak cleanup began and

the southern islands began to be rehabilitated, the people




wished to establish an advance community at the atoll.


the whoie population could not move at once, the people
decided to set up a rotation system, pursuant to which a
certain percentage of the population moved from Ujelang to
Enewetak for six months.

After six months, these people left,
and they were replaced by another group. This rotation system

has continued through today and has worked successfully
The Bikinians propose to apply this system to Eneu
Under this system, the population desiring to resettle


on Eneu would be divided into twe or three groups.

once hous,..
fig and support facilities are ready at Eneu, those people i’~’”


first group who wished to move to Eneu could do so.


a set period of time -- for example, one year -- they would
leave, and the second group would move to.Eneu.

Under this

system, every Bikinian would have an opportunity to live on
Eneu, bgt no one would live there for more than one year in

two or thre


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