John 4, Derry


approximately completed.

September 11, 1950

fPreparations for the removel of equipment

and instruments from the National Sureau of Standards Hizh Voltage

Laboratory ouilding to the new storage site have been completed,
and it is anticipated that the removal from the NBS building will
be accomplished by the middle of Sevctember.
Procurement Sumnary

Attachment No. 1 includes a Summary of “status of Supply and Stock-

pile Procurement for delivery to Yommission installations and Naval

organizations where the Comnission holds Navy contracts accepted
by the Atomic “nergy Commission. esearch and development contracts
and Test Purchase Urders are also reported on. The latter contracts
and purchase orders differ from the supply procurement in that the

services of versonnel are a large part of the contract committment.
where estimated completion dates are indicated on this attachment,

requested dates have been used when delivery information has not

been furnished by the contracting office or the contractor.

a e

Coordination Activities

Brancn Publications
The september issue of na-Det will inciude articles on a new tyne

of gas electron tube which has been developed under an Air Fores
ontract by worthrup Aircraft, Incorporated, and an article describ-

ing a distributed amplifier used in coincidence counting work at the

Radiation Laboratory of the University of California.

Copy material for the second edition of the "Compendium of research

and Development Activities in Radiation Instrumentation" was forwarded to the Technical Information Yivision, Oak Kidee, on Ausust

25 for printing and distribution. uate inrormation concerning the
instrumentation programs of eizhteen AzC installations is included.
Physics instrumentation distribution will be made. An inouiry was
made to the Office of the vhier of Jeclassification with rezard

the classification which the Commendium should bear.

This office

concurred in she present “Confidential” marking and recommended

that future issues also be classified "Confidential"™,

On Sentember 10-20, 1950 a joint anC-iE symposium on the “Chemistry
and Physics of iiadiation Yosimetry”™ will be held at the Army Chem-

ical Venter, -aryland, with the Technical Command of the army Chemical Corps servins as host.


Approximately sixty revresentatives




Select target paragraph3