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The Bell Telephone Laboratory Radar Antenna (Building 118) serving the Titan I

Guidance System is supported on a 20 x 20 x 25-ft. high tower located 75-ft. south
of the southwest corner of the building.

crete block.

The base of the tower is enclosed with con-

A cable trench connects the radar tower with Building 100.

antenna tower,

The radar

cable trench, and the lean-to equipment room are enclosed ina chain

link fence. Adjacent to the east end of Building 100 is a 55 x 76-ft. concrete paved
and fenced-in area for portable electrical generation equipment. The RF Test Tower
serving this guidance facility is described under F&S No. 81029.


91-100-Al thru A4

JS 91-100-M10}

91-100-S1 thru S3

JS 91-100-E102 thru E106

91-100-M1 thru M3
91-100-E1 thru El2

91-6130-Cl and C2
91-6130-Al thru Al2


91-6130-M1 thru M5 and M11

W6 and W9


91-6130A-M1 thru M3

JS 91-100-A106 thru Alll

JS 91-6130-S100
JS 91-6130-M1 and M2

JS 91-100-S105 and S106
JS 91-6130-E6 and Ell
DPWO File 105-10-1 Sheets 19 and 20

“Includes air conditioning costs for S&I Building (F&S No. 81002).
«Includes construction costs for RF Test Tower Foundation (F&S No. 81029).

wk Costs shown are for modifications after 1964 only and do not include any cost
incurred prior to that time.



Select target paragraph3