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CONSTRUCTION The west 45 feet of Building 518 will be renovated to provide
central bakery facilities. This will be accomplished by installing gypsum board
on the interior of the existing building. This 45 x 66-ft. baking area will include
space for: bread storage, baking, ice cream storage, flour and miscellaneous dry

storage, office, freezing, and loading. A latrine will also be provided. Floor
drains will be provided in the ice cream and bake rooms. A chilled water system
with two refrigeration units will service this area. Five exhaust ventilators will
be provided on the roof. A fuel oil system will be provided for operation of the
ovens, Steam will be providedfrom the boiler roomin the mess hall. Utilities
will include cold and hot water,

saltwater, and electrical power.

The mess hall

power panel will provide 208 volt, 60 cycle power to the bakery. Normal lighting will be provided. For a description of the remainder of the building, refer
to F&S No. 02079.


April 1969



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