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A 16-inch wide, grating-covered trench, for collecting runoff water will
extend the entire length of the decon pad along the west side. From this
trench, uncontaminated water runoff will be gravity drained directly to
the lagoon north of the west wharf.

The contaminated water originating

from the aircraft wash down operations will be bypassed to a sump pit adjacent to a 6000-gallon reinforced concrete and plastic-lined holding tank.
A sump pumpwill elevate the contaminated water into the holding tank.
When the radioactive decay of the contaminated water has progressed satisfactorily, and the tide conditions in the west channel are favorable, the
contaminated water in the holding tank can be released into the lagoon by
opening a 6-inch valve.

The uncontaminated and contaminated water are

emptied into the lagoon via the same drain line. All existing facilities
within 60 feet of the decontamination facility must be removed or relocated.


* This estimate includes:

A new substation

Resiting of Building 950
Blast paving of shoulders

Relocation of Asphalt ‘Plant
Post-GO Procurement



Select target paragraph3