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The low bay area is 40 x 16-ft. high. A monorail is installed the full
length of this area and is equipped with two 5-ton hoists with maximum hook
height of 12-ft. The interior end of this area is completely open to the high
bay area. At the opposite end is a 16-ft. wide by 12-ft. high biparting sliding door. An 18x 18-ft. concrete ramp is provided on the exterior side of
this door. Three 8-ft. long workbenches have been fabricated and installed
in this area.

A 14 x 40 x 14-ft. high RF shielded enclosure is located in the low bay area.
The RF shielded enclosure (screen room) provides shielding protection in
accordance with H&N Specification No. H&N-PC-40 and as measured within
the limits of the available RFI Test Equipment. A 12-ft. wide by 10-ft. high
biparting door located at one end and a personnel door with panic hardware
located on the side provide access to the screen room. Both doors are provided with exterior operated ''No Entry" warning lights.
The remaining portion of the building, 18 x 100 x 12-ft. high, is partitioned
to provide space for latrine facilities, general assembly area, electrical
assembly area, general purpose area, storage room, and mechanical and
electrical room. All partition walls are insulated; however, the exterior
walls and roof of the mechanical and electrical room are not insulated. The
mechanical and electrical room houses the electrical distribution equipment,
the air conditioning equipment and an air compressor. Double exterior doors
provide the only access to this room. All other rooms in this area have 8-ft.
suspended ceilings and have access doors opening directly into the assembly
and checkout area. With the exception of the mechanical and electrical room,
the entire building is fitted with explosion proof fixtures.
The building is air conditioned to 75°F (+5°) and humidity controlled to 55
percent. Compressed air at 100 psi is provided in the screen room and the
assembly and checkout area. Interior lighting provides 50-foot candles in
all areas except the high bay area which is 30-foot candles at ground level.

Exterior lighting is provided at all exterior doors.
Coral berms,

12-ft. high, have been constructed on three sides of the build~

ing with the unprotected side facing the runway.

See F&S No. 02066.

FY 69
ENGINEERING In progress.

91-888-A6 and A7

91-888-E4 and E5

PROCUREMENT In progress.


Select target paragraph3