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Gn January 2 further infernation relating to peralasible levels of

radiation was given FCDA.

This consisted of tha standards for chronic exposure

to external radistion and te internal emitters (the Harwell values agreed upon

by Grogt ritain, Canada and the 0.5.)3 and peraieaible emergency exposures for
AS’ monitoring tean personnel, established as followss

Wr for thoge individuals expected to receive exposures in the
course of their regular dutios as Arc personnel.


25 © ~ for those individusls not expected to receive exposure in
thea normal course of their duties.

Loan of Radiation Detection Instruments and Sources for Civil Defense



On January 5 a jeint somorandun of the Directors of Research md Jiology
and uedicina to the Director, Isctopes Divisten, entlined the agreed-upon
eduinistrative and financialarranesente to govern the lean of radicactive
isotopes for civil defense training. Ceste of this progrun will, be met from
funds available to the Division of Siology end Nedicine.

Duriog the sonth loans ef instruments and/or sources werw arranged through

the Operations Offices and the Isotepes vision, 0800, with approval of the

FCDA, for eivil. defense training courres to be given by Ohic State University,

University of Nebraska, towa State University, the cities of Hilwaukes, Wisconsin,
ami Berkeley,

» and the Stete of Connecticut.

Slides frou "The Bifects of Atenic Hespons®
in response to requests for training material from graduates of the radiolegical monitoring courses held lest year, Broekheven National Laboratery has
arranged for the produetion of a set of 72 slides of selected figures, charts
and photographs from "The Effects of Atemlo Weapons." Information concerning

precuraxent of slides has been furnished interested AEC organisations, the
NSRB and the FCDA.

Radiation Inatrunents Branch.
The asG aponsored programs for the de«elopnent of instrumentation techniques
far possible civil defense une were summarised in a letter sent to the FCLA on

damury 9. The purpose of the letter was: (1) to inform the FCDA of the status
of these programs, (2) to determne if they were interested in having the AEC
instrumentation groups farther concern themselves with eivil defense instrument
development, and (3) to request their advice relative te taking certain AEC
developed prototypes through « comsereial enginesring phase. .

A draft of a roport sumvarising Departnont of Defense spenscred projects

in radiat.on detection Lastrunentation has bcen completed and is being presently

Peviewed oy the re .ponsible military aguncles prior te reprocuation for AkC
internal distribution. Seme of these activities were briefly reviewed in a

paper given at the Health Physics Conference sponsored by all in Chicago on



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