Medical Sranch
University of Ruchaster Eascarch

Pilot studies on the therapy of acute radiation injury are in. progress
at the University of Rochenter Atonia Enargy Project. A large acale defini-

tive therapeutic program will be underway by: April 1 with joint sapport by
the AEC and the Armed Forces Special fenpons Project. 1¢ is expected that
within 12 to 18 months the progres will yheld data upon which reliable
recommendations for the treateent of human radiation casualties aay be based.
Biophysics Branch
Partiaip.tion in the Nevada Tests

A nenver of the Siophysien Branch (

Medical Sranch and Military Applications

with representatives of the

Divigion/ visited the Los Alance

Seientific Laboratory, and toured the Nevada test site end adjoining areas,
for the purpose af condulting on questions of radiological health hasarcs,
monitering plans, etc. in aonectian with the forthcoming nuclear teste.
The consultation resulted in general approval of the plans from a health view
point, and statements of the approval ware presented to the Joint Congre:eional
Comiites and to the press.

in connection with the Kevada te:ts, arrangesente were nade with the Ha: ferd,

ATgonne, Brookhaven and Qak Ridge laborateries to eet up air monitoring stations

in fifteen different locations, covering the entire United Stat-n. Those #tucias

were nade in addition te the Los Alamos studies wich were confined to a 500~
uile vadiua from the site, and to Air Force studies made from planes,
ef the results will appear after the teste.

A summary

Two members of the Blephysice Branch attended the Nevada tests, for the

purpose of observing the operations and to study the reaults of the monitoring


These studies have given firet~hand information on the behavior

of radicsative products from the expl:sions, and contribute to our ability
te estinate health hasards from such burste. The expaxience has auch value

An considering future tests and in Civil Defense plenning.
Arrangenents were sade through the Breneh fcr the

tion in the

woritering activities, of a representative from each of the

AEC emergenoy

monitoring teams. It ie the expectation that the knowledge and experience
gained by these representatives will be communicated to the other menbers
of tie teame. A member of the Jiophysica Sranch participated in this activity,
as & representative of tw fashingten emergency tean.

Levels of radioactivity in

ter and food that can be pernitted under

@ergency conaiticns following an A—vomb bias’ or other muelear s xplosian

wore forsalated te Surnish guidance under such conditions.


the water

da to be consumed for 10 days, it was calculated that it could contain as
much af 0,09 microeurios of bete-gama radicantivity per quble centineter



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