‘Tuesday. Scptember 13, 1983 teSling program. The radiation question is a difficult one, even for scientists health problems and inadequate who have been working with it for many years. Many dedicated US scientists have been involved in an extensive effort Over many years Lo assess and treat the effects of radiation exposure of Marshallese and to Monitor the residual radioactivity comtaminating many of the islands in the northern atolls. It would appear that they have Performed with honesty, and in Most cases -- particularly in recent years -- with a remonable level of competence. Nevertheless, it 1s always possible to identify areas where more attention should have been focused. Two such areas which have become critically important are (1) the education of the Marshallese on the mature of radiation and its human and environmental effect andl (u) piondis, ddequate medical care and compensation for victims of the atomic bomb test. Related to the first area the recent US Department of Energy (DOE) books on the soar i ae hha 4. awh eet eet radioactive contamination of Enewetok, Bikini, and the northern atolls have been almost totally ineffective, and in some instances, counterproduc- care (the lack of health care facilities 1s obvious even Lo the casual observer); thal all of the people should be given comprehensive health care regardless of whether they hase been categorized as “‘expased’’ or “unexposed”, that the new Marshall Islands Government does not have adequate capacity to do this; and that it is the responsibility of the US government mot just to give funding, but to ensure by all Teasonable means that such care is made available. More- over, a Marshalls government- endorsed independent medical survey might be helpful in Moving more decisively in this direction. There is widespread distrust by Marshallese of US scientists involved in radiation monitoring and health suneidiance Programs, \wong ble Aiwa ‘thallese who are participants in the Brookhaven surveillance program some have even said, ‘the Marshallese are geing used as ‘guinea pigs’ "| “and that the fallout from the 1954 Bravo test was mot an accident.” Unfortunately the scientists working today are forced to US Security Needs and Kwajalein Atoll HL US Securtly Needs and Kwajalein Atoll Alo a inmost basic level, this Situation must be seen as une the arms rate. It was the US Perceplion of its own secucily Needs which was the dmving force behind the Lesling program and now the way in which the new political arrangements are evolving. While the US would clearly hike to resolve and be free with the Pacific biands Trust Terrttory, its current mililary§ requirements are having major impact upon the political, economic and sociul stalus of lhe new nation. It is af the Kwajalein Atoll where we see the embodiment of this question, The Kwajalein people, most of them now living in crawded dismal cun- the Kwajalein people working through an organization known as the Kwajalein Atoll Corpor: ation, is a remarkable story in itself. ‘the Kevayaleur peapte WH witkieat rte it ge potey role in this continuing debate. ‘The Lawyers” long-term resturation of the basic relationship betucen the and its uncertainties, making tory under DOE contract is a nartowly focused research effort to identify the late effects of radiation in the most heanly exposed Marshallese people. The treatment by the US of radiation induced health effects and compensation for these effects have been largely bul not totally limited to those effects which have been clearly identified by the surveiliance Program as deing radiation induced, mainly, thyroid abnormalities among those most heavily exposed to the fallout from the Bravo test. Health effects that have not been tatistically linked to radiation in the Marshallese population under study are generally not treated ~ exceptions have been cance in the accept they cynicism and frustration which they reflect. The problem of the primary contaminated atolls, Bikini and Enewetok, Is deeply troubling A serious cleanup attempt is being made at Enewetok, at a reported expenditure of $218 miltion. In the light of the drastic measures and unusual lifestyle required for resettlement, it is not yet clear if many of the people wiil choose to return. Bikini poses a More difficult case than Enewetok, and thus far the US GovemMent has taken the position that cleanup would be too expensive. It would seem that a profound moral and legal question 1s posed here for the global community. Who 15 to decide upon such weighty matters of land abuse and testoration? While even avery imperfect cleanup at Bikini could cost several hundzed million dollars, some Marshailese pointed out that the US Government 1s spending much more that that amount on just a few weapoos such as the MA Man $8.95 IV. “Phe Lawyers” Lawyers and the litigation to must be seen tor thei signifi. be difficult to Neilan Biti. cant, often troubling potitical factor. ‘This, too, is 15 a con- being exploited in new ways compensation, oralher THE FIRST BOOK compelling stories of the Marshall Istands pursye health damage and land claims have become a signifi- in terms af the average risk of dying of cancer perhaps Presented this way in an effort to simplify the issue -- tends to mask the variability of the data the presentation of Lhe results Jabdrewot cocj joninak in jumac wia kake in ao, Written, Typeset, Printed Is there an unfortuante “pull” towards money solutions, or Some charge that KOJJELLA Kojjclla non ro ewor ser maron ion Nerak Weto All in the Marshall lands perhaps even paranoid statements, Rut though they may tadiation. KOJELLA RUG WETO TWO JARBO, ARNO ROBELLOK NON WIAKARKE: RONG WETO UROKBUBROT WE TO ELANE EWOR AML MARON ION TJOREIN, JOUG IM LOTOR OFFICE BOON RRE en jou; im wonmanlok im file an complaint ilo Court im jiikintok copy in complaint in non; Box 2112, Majuro, Marshall Islands. Dri kojella, through the lawyers, even as they deal with older injustices? books have been ineffective even though written in Mar- fre pmetnas Pala Vlto CA Sgdne land, which is being used as part of the missile testing range. The determination of Scientists are giving conflicting Messages. These are strong, ation on human health. These bosyorrte re Pwosan Voto Koad Ste AY lo Amo Island, Amo Atoll, bwe hio 1) wia hake maron ko an Iroj, Alub, im Ori Jerbal. far unsuccessfully, lo attain a Measure of restoration to their shaliese and English and clearly aimed at a lay audience. Most Marshallese simply cannot understand the text. Moreover, _ Fesidual radioactive contamuin- SEA-AIR EXPORTS, INC, ditions on 27 Ha. (67 acres} Ebeye Island, are seeking, thus sequence of the weapons tesling program. Are the people tive in explaining the nature of radiation and the effects of the Cuntinued pare 8 POCR CALEFORNS A CONNECTION PLUMBING * HARDWARE «GENERAL MERCHANDISE of the many tragic eflects of carry the baggage of mistakes and changes in policy accumulated over the past87 y ears. We heard ulterior motives altributed to the DOE’s educa: tions efforts regarding residual the results mideading. With regard to the second area, the US medical surveillance program conducted by Brookhaven National Labora- mk een eh ae | weet a Pe Nearly everyone with whom we spoke felt that the Marshali [lands has serous, unique “Why can the US du whaleser 1 chooses?” Page 7 While we tare tegretled ti ata cleat, offical chureh statement has wot cume turward from the Marshalls an these cunc ms, Meany church people | ave spoken oul, and we must t.tist than people and their Jand ard culture? Perhaps, but the lawyers apparently have brought these greatly disadvantaged peogie a new means of much-needed power, and it would be most unwise to jeopardise this by altacking their sensitive tawyer-clent relationship TheChurch rs should cansider whether the medical surveillance program should be so narrowly defined, whelher the people in the surveillance program who have been categorized as ‘‘unexpused cantrols" should be so categorized, and whether the level of compensation and the People whn qualify for i are appropriately defined. they are a consequence of the wee Bae perhaps the United Nations - Physical debility, a birth anomaly or other abnormality, the people tend to believe that such had not occured before “The Bamb"' Cases of fish Poisoning, unusual plant doease, the demise of the highly valued arrowroot plant (a tradItional staple}, seem invariably to be allributed to radiation, tven though this is contrary to Scientific evidence. Myth or realily, these anxieves and fears are painfully real, and articulate young man asked, Volume 4, Number 73 belong to the church, und where virtually afl member ol the local government councils are church people. aos) Che custom too sprak oon politial and economic tatters through civie charinels. | From page 6 MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL missiles, now beimyg tested at Kwajatem. At one meeting an ri Radiation and Relation Questions made but generally these have AOL heen in accord with Hrookhaven’s contract with DOE .. and the victims are not compensated. In effect, the burden of proof hes not with the US to demonstrate the dbease is nol radialion induc: ed, but with the victim to demonstrate that it was. The LS Government - and in the Marshalls V. The Church in the Marshalls The Church in the Marshall Islands has played and will apparently continue to play a nurturing and comforting role rather than one of advocacy. In this fragmented society the church 1s a relatively strong, Self-relsant indigenous institu- tion where people can come together in spile of their dmsion. In communities where virtually all persons my: 28 Available at Seven degrees \ Hotel Adjirth Marshalls Uhaadicrall . Alele Museum & Micronitor 2 8 8 q PO. Rox 14, Mauro 96960 (add $i 50 for airmail postage) oT 9 =