DISTRIBUTORS FOR Marshall Islands Journal needed on Introduction trom page 1 a fhe purposes of the by a local ecumenical planning conumit lee comprised oa headers trom the United ; were. (1) Lo assess the residual radiation problem environmental and as P.O. Box 14 for more information. #tr the “thurcies” ta? te . concerns for peace and disarmament, long-term Strategies for mobilizing the commitment of the churches PRIDE BEFORE THE FALL NUJ EO EKNANAIK AN OSCARMOUR.| ThE WEN S OPSETT GSraR, Teil rom ot. te a. coats aot daeh es tive bs ew wet sorrcd Cente peat. Baen karejar ‘Selane ejjab konan; san health and human cost of the US military presence, iii) to consult with the churches of the Marshalls regarding these questions; and (i¥) lo explore Write or stop by the Journal office . Issues. ,¢ V’ Jenaj drore iolab in }imen ko. the word on these tt should be noted that wile the team included an exper’ on radiation and its effects, «did not presume to take up a highly technical role. ‘This was essentially a church viriietion team sent as an expressiun of church concern, whhnp to listen to all persons and groups having significant mes. es about thal situalion, We saw our rote lo be Inferpn ive, reflective, consultative ind directed towards a cle“rer, more helpful response on ihe part of the churches. Among the categones at - around of people we encountered were: People displaced from ‘neir land, groups thal experic ced high fevels oof radioa: tive fallout, people living in “temporary” homes or ure affected because their Sard ts continually used for WS j-res- ence and missile te''ng, officials of the Marshall bj.unds Governments and’ st ner political leaders, cr irch leaders, a lawyer, meircal doctoss, missionaries, an anthropologist, US off-tals and civilian employees at Kwajalein and Ami--can Scientists from Lawrence tavermore National Laburalaraes. Radtation and Related | Questions In the 37 years since the tom r Th SO cd Questions IL) 1-4 - ne Radiation and Relation bomb was first ‘‘dropped"' on the Marshalls at Bikini, the lives of not only the « tes from their homeland ( «ini and Enewetok}, or the groups BARRY EAR KEMAT AN MARON EKKAR NON ORDER KO AN CHIEF EO. BARRY LOO dD Hoi BEST irradiated, but the lives of all [ -au're the only one wre can tain Sammy Gates | TO Cantar CuT eS CMiEF'S ORIESS. inta set’ Marshallese have been radi. ally altered. The effects of r-diation pervade their existence far ng. Kwe wot kwomaron kennan iben Sammy Bates bwe en meee a ee td beyond the readily obser: able % Lem and reported health and environmenial effects asa:ciated with the extenmive US nuclear testing program i! the Marshalls. Today, in thet. oad sense, “radiation” i» a | asic, pervading reality for all Marshallese people. Indeed, a new culture, vi, ‘abulary and mythology taw de- veloped around the radi. son question. Whenever then 15 a Continued p. 1+ 7 chap 24 Yes, you. him, peg Go to Form. le Aet, kwe. Etal " iben, akwelab none... See ' er oFE ft ate fo eLan town in im wonmanlok ko an.. .bwe en De ae leluk non apiri ro lo Castietown juon ilju eo emon =the neat more ng Pa [awoke with a hungover, but nat the y+ Pical Webester dictiunary o fi milion ot such a State, sather the Marshall Islands after glow bh 4g: over. Music was more than \‘uzak The local radio station was playing a slurred-down version of Scott benjamin, announciny in an almost vicious monnt ne that the war in Chad had b- on almost liberated by the ty biaus, but wus suddenly fronced on by the Frogs 1 had cert en deadlines to mect and bein fling reports as soon us ay contact lenses were oprrable “TOBULAR BLAZE SEEN as CLEANSING BINIEDE, “NEW COMPACT TO SOL. 1 PROBLEMS.”, and i a few ustyr upbeat articles requested by whe CIA were on the agends Na ij kejeramolmoi “hon Sammy Bates? } Eban wot em ban! | He beg fram oamny Fy Bates tech on your dilet Ho was drawing Clase fo q ane Pact time. and the islind had taken on an almost Christin a like ur United Nations [as hthe almusphere United Ne fons Hke” Perhaps the h. Over Was work Cham d tbhous de later. . —~w To? ~~ ~ Tuesday, September 13, 1983 Volume 14, Number 73 “4 MARSUALL ISLANDS JOURNAL oe Page 6